About CornerstoneDAO

What is CornerstoneDAO and how does it work? What is CornerstoneDAO token CORN how is it used? Where can I get CornerstoneDAO CORN tokens? What are the key features and benefits of CornerstoneDAO? How can I learn more about CornerstoneDAO and stay up-to-date?

Cornerstone is a metagovernance protocol for DeFi, Web3, social, gaming and more for the NEAR ecosystem.

The protocol is founded on two pillars β€” Metagovernance and Protocol-Controlled Value (PCV). The native token $CORN enables its holders to participate in DAO governance of various Dapp protocols and capture value from the entire NEAR ecosystem. PCV consists of an array of mainstream assets (such as $USDC, $USN, $NEAR, $LiNEAR, $Aurora, etc.) accrued by Cornerstone treasury. $CORN holders can decide the allocation of PCV across different Dapp protocols and thus share the revenue streams.