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About OrangeDAO

What is OrangeDAO and how does it work? What are the key features and benefits of OrangeDAO? How can I learn more about OrangeDAO and stay up-to-date?

Orange DAO exists to support past, present, and aspiring Y Combinator founders who are building the future of the crypto ecosystem. We will distribute: wealth, knowledge, access to power, control over resources, and participation in governance, to a broader group of people than ever before in a more equitable way than any previous system.

We will become the most valuable and sought-after crypto founder community by investing our experience, capital, and attention in people, organizations, and networks that share our vision.

Orange DAO will help startups apply to, and be accepted into Y Combinator, provide them with pre- and post-YC funding, while helping mentor their leadership and recruit talent, and acquire customers.

And we will do it responsibly and equitably by becoming a DAO governed by its members because our hive mind is greater than any single ape brain.

OrangeDAO News

OrangeDAO funding news, strategic partnership news, announcements, product updates, tutorials articles, how-to, and guides