Submit Your Project

AwesomeNEAR aims to help the NEAR community navigate and contextualize this fast growing ecosystem with more ease and clarity. We built AwesomeNEAR —

Getting ready

Submit your project ↗

Take these steps beforehand...

  • Study the ecosystem landscape & identify demands

  • Review the information required to be curated:
        ☑️ Project name and description
        ☑️ Website & Twitter
        ☑️ Founder’s Email or Telegram

  • Expect wait time during the curation process:
        ☑️ Each project will go through due diligence
        ☑️ Average wait period is 3 to 5 working days
        ☑️ Longer wait may occur for new DeFi projects

After your project is curated 🚀 stay in touch...

  • to keep all project information up-to-date
        ☑️ Is your information up-to-date? 🔆
        ☑️ Make sure all the links work ✅
        ☑️ Share your project page to communities
        ☑️ Post your open roles on the NEAR Career Page - Submit

  • to collaborate on campaigns or events
        ☑️ Reaching a wider audience globally 🕸️
        ☑️ Increasing conversion of new users 🎯
        ☑️ Networking with potential investors 🐝

  • to publish articles, announcements, etc. if
        ☑️ Hitting major milestones of development 🎊
        ☑️ Adding value to the NEAR ecosystem ✨
        ☑️ Benefiting NEAR Fans community 😍

Here to support 🤝

🌈 We are a group of NEARFans who share the belief in & dedication to — The NEAR Future. We are here to help promote up and coming NEAR ecosystem projects on Twitter or one-on-one, if needed, in relation to marketing/PR, fundraise/networking, etc.

Connect with us on 🐦 Twitter or via Email 📧