Bit Happier

Bit Happier (BHT)

A Neuroscience-AI-based decentralized (Web 3.0) platform generating personalized, data-driven recommendations.


Bit Happier on NEAR

About Bit Happier

What is Bit Happier and how does it work? What is Bit Happier token BHT how is it used? Where can I get Bit Happier BHT tokens? What are the key features and benefits of Bit Happier? How can I learn more about Bit Happier and stay up-to-date?

A Neuroscience and AI-based decentralized (Web 3.0) platform generating personalized, data-driven recommendations to make every individual a Bit Happier.

We combine Neuroscience + Social Networking and financial tools (Web 3.0) to make every individual/corporate a Bit Happier by building positive habits using a reward-based incentive model centred around using visual art as a medicine.