Trisolaris partners with Axelar to enable Secure Cross-Chain Liquidity!

Trisolaris partners with Axelar to enable Secure Cross-Chain Liquidity!

We are delighted to announce our newest partner: Axelar — the universal overlay network delivering secure cross-chain communication for Web3.

With Axelar, users holding AURORA, NEAR, or USN will be able to use these currencies to buy and sell assets such as ETH, AVAX, DOT, or any other asset issued on chains supported by Axelar.

The partnership will utilize Squid, a liquidity routing module that enables cross-chain swaps and payments on Axelar, marking a huge step forward in the experience for Aurora users and the broader NEAR community. Squid will provide trustless liquidity and message routing via Axelar, allowing Trisolaris’s users to plug and play into liquidity on any DeFi app on any chain.

Ad-hoc cross-chain connections are accessible through the use of pairwise bridges, but enabling secure cross-chain communication over universal architecture moves the technology far beyond the current state. Axelar’s infrastructure has huge potential for decentralized exchanges, and this technology can potentially bring Trisolaris closer to achieving mainstream adoption.

This integration is stated to go live later in the year, and we will update the community on specifics!

About Axelar

Axelar delivers secure cross-chain communication for Web3. As a universal overlay network, Axelar supports general message passing and composability of programs via a proof-of-stake transport layer. Developer tools and APIs make it easy for both protocol and application developers to integrate interoperability. Axelar’s co-founders are founding team members of Algorand and award-winning graduates of MIT, where they received notable recognition as part of their graduate studies.

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About Trisolaris

TriSolaris is a community-owned decentralized exchange (DEX) with fast-settlement, low fees, and a democratic governance process. Built on NEAR’s Aurora EVM, TriSolaris is building the one-stop-shop for DeFi on NEAR!

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Trisolaris partners with Axelar to enable Secure Cross-Chain Liquidity! was originally published in TriSolaris Labs on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.