Stader.Near Launches Lockup Contract Staking

Stader.Near Launches Lockup Contract Staking

How to earn consistent rewards on UNVESTED $NEAR TOKENS across a diverse pool of high performing Stader.Near validators?

Below is a step-by-step user guide. To start your staking journey on Near Network using your Lockup Account, access the dApp at -

Step 1

Click the “Connect Wallet” button

Note: Please make sure the Staking Network is selected as “Near”.

Step 2

Accept ‘Terms of Service’ & select your wallet from the given options.

Note: Please make sure the wallet address you are using has a lockup account.

Step 3

Open the wallet modal by clicking on your connected wallet address (top right) and switch to lockup account staking by clicking on the “Switch to lockup account” CTA.

Step 4

After a successful switch to lockup account, you can see a success toast message at the top of the screen.

Step 5

Select Stader as your validator to start staking by clicking on the given CTA & approving transaction on wallet page.

Note: Please make sure you have withdrawn all your current staked Near from other validators first, then use Stader to stake your locked up $NEAR.

Step 6

Enter the amount of $NEAR you want to stake with Stader. Once decided, click on the “Stake Near” button.

That’s all! Once successful, you should see the confirmation screen.

Now sit back, relax and let your $NEAR work for you even before it gets unlocked for your use!

Stake Now: Stader.Near