NEAR Foundation issues grant to Composable for extending IBC to NEAR Protocol via the Centauri bridge

NEAR Foundation issues grant to Composable for extending IBC to NEAR Protocol via the Centauri bridge

We are pleased to announce that Composable Finance has received a grant from the NEAR Foundation. We had previously outlined our vision for extending Centauri to NEAR, and by receiving this grant, we will be able to accelerate and incentivize the adoption of our infrastructure and Centauri once connected to NEAR via the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC). Ultimately, we are striving for sustainable means of collaboration across multiple DeFi ecosystems: Any Money, Any Chain, Anywhere.

“We are driven by the vision of a collaborative and connected DeFi future and are always excited when prominent ecosystems come together and align on this vision. The NEAR ecosystem has an impressive community of developers and users, and we’re keen to see what they can accomplish for DeFi once they are integrated into Centauri and the rest of our interoperable infrastructure.” — 0xbrainjar, Founder & CEO at Composable Finance

Grant details

The goal of the grant is to support our efforts in building a collaborative environment and spirit for users and developers between our ecosystem and that of NEAR protocol. Specifically, the grant will be utilized to subsidize the bridging fees for transactions carried out by initial users of the bridge once Centauri has established a connection to NEAR. We have been collaborating with the NEAR team to implement a light client version of GRANDPA on the NEAR network.

Our team has been supporting NEAR’s developers to improve their infrastructure in areas such as signature verification, missing validity proofs, singular validation processes, and more.

“Extending NEAR in order to make it IBC compatible has been a very challenging and rewarding journey. We are still completing some elements, which will enable us to deploy Centauri onto this thriving ecosystem. We are very thankful to everyone at NEAR, especially their core maintainers for helping us make this a reality.” — Blas, Bridging Lead at Composable Finance

These contributions to NEAR’s codebase can be seen here:

Our NEAR Enhancement Proposals:


We are excited to continue our work and are looking forward to reporting on our progress. Keep an eye out for updates on our project and this collaboration.