HOOH: A social network of new age on NEAR

HOOH: A social network of new age on NEAR

To our understanding, as web 3.0 develops to current stage, there are problems in NFTs and socialFi that slow them down as in a bottleneck:

  1. Scenarios of NFTs are limited and monotonous
  2. NFTs’ meanings and values are bond to their own consensus circles that are very hard to break out
  3. The volume of SocialFi Users is too small to form a real social network
  4. Most current socialFi are mainly for Fi that reckon without social as its core

HOOH is here to solve these problems and make the change.

1. A SocialFi to let NFTs go viral and produce more value

HOOH is not an ordinary SocialFi. Neither it is an ordinary NFT market. It is a place where users socialize with and about NFTs under plenty of scenarios. It is a community with different categories of NFTs holding various meanings, which will keep evolving and be reinvented by the users.

HOOH creates more scenarios for NFTs. They could be easily created, re-vitalize, and reused in many ways, no matter which chain they are from, which will form abundant new consensus other than they did in their previous community circles. There are also numerous ways for them to generate values and thus profits.

2. A cross chain and cross platform Live Show and a CC0 playground

NFT from all over the crypto world could have a “Live Show” in HOOH! As celebrities presenting themselves other than their own professional fields, NFTs could also be re-used and re-created through many ways in HOOH.

Users could upload their NFTs as templates in HOOH, and let others re-use it to express their own thoughts. The template owners will receive continuous royalties from the uses, which could also increase consensus from outside the NFTs original circles, build a new social circle for them, boost them to go viral through repetitive exposures and engagements, and create official derivatives from the original forms.

NFT owners could even go further to release the “Creative Commons Zero” to invite other users joining the recreation playground which will naturally generate consensus and form their sub culture community.

Besides creating something original in HOOH, users are encouraged to curate others’ works under a new narrative or theme, then share profit generated by the curation with creators.

HOOH is open to everyone for ideas and suggestions about new functions for NFT. It is an ecosystem for members create and evolve together.

3. Lower the barrier and pave the way for influx from web

Social contents consist mostly in crypto which confines users to web 3 only, and the Fi attracts mainly speculators. Before we have a social network, we need to have as many people as possible to create intriguing contents, and to social together about the contents. Therefore, we are trying every way to encourage creation. HOOH is a smart and handy tool to assist everyone to create in many ways and will receive incentives accordingly.

We are developing a category of NFTs, Stamps, as putting a stamp on a moment. We will provide a channel for users to record their memories or activities either online or offline in a way of NFTs. These NFTs could be distributed around one’s personal social circle, or it could have public issuing. And they could be traded in the marketplace as well. Both individuals and organizations could use our product-ready channel to create and issue their own Stamp and trade them in NFT market.

4. Tokenize scarce social relations and unique social ID through a fun way under Fi‘s support

Scarce social relations are valuable. So as experienced and reputable social identities. There will be a category of NFTs in HOOH representing scarcity of relation, the Social Pin. They will be triggered automatically when users mutually follow each other. It could become negotiable assets as a user could design and trade it. Collecting celebrities’ social pins released in different period of their HOOH life, could produce an evolving NFT market by its own.

Current SBTs cannot tell too much meaningful information about their holders, which cannot generate enough value to DAOs or projects, neither to their holders. They are dead SBTs. In HOOH, we have created a living SBT that is dynamically recording a user’s accruing data in a form of an avatar, called Hermmon. It demonstrates reputation, participation, accomplishments, and all else that is valuable to present, which reveals in forms of body parts, outfits, gadgets etc. The avatar itself, as a Soulbound Token, is non-transferable. However, outfits or gadgets could be transferable. Hermmons could mutate through operational activities. Users could even battle with them under deliberate design just as in real life.

Become an ever-growing ecosystem

All effort users make in HOOH will receive incentives. Engagements users receive will also produce continuous revenue. Meanwhile, there are plenty of places that cost their income to play, to create, and to invest.

Everything mentioned in previous slides will naturally form a more comprehensive development of HOOH ecosystem, which make sense for the function that we will open in near future, the Polis. Users will be able to build their own Poleis as DAOs, enrolling their own citizens, curating creations in HOOH or outside NFTs based on their interests and sub-culture, issuing their own Stamps, organizing and operating their own social circle as a sub-culture community. And most importantly, collect their own revenue by issuing their own Polis Token. Polis tokens will be as stocks of the community and can be traded using HOOH native tokens.

To this point, HOOH will be a fully grown ecosystem that will operate in self-consistency in a long run.

Our Team

Our team has been working with world-class corporations like Microsoft, Google, and Apple in creative design, marketing, and community operation for over 10 years. Meanwhile, our team has been running a social media account in popular science with over 6 million fans all over the web, and is an exclusive broadcast partner with Bilibili.

We had been designing and operating a new type community that is very close to web 3.0 concept since 2018. This community accumulated over 3 million users without aggressive promotion. In 2021, we cooperated with NEAR, and our users created over 100,000 NEAR wallets sign-ups in 9 months.

We are a group of people who are open-minded, witty, very curious and innovative, and extremely passionate in building a community of the new age.

We have received Grants from NEAR foundation and supports from Metaweb. We are funded by D1 Ventures, and an individual investor listed in top 100 Forbes World’s Billionaires. Based on their trust in our capacity and wonderful relationship with us, they are providing their support in different aspects in a long run.

Through previous cooperation with NEAR, we have amazed by NEAR’s visionary and advanced programming mentality, progressive security features, and high availability especially on c-end user experience. We fully agree with NEAR’s values and are highly optimistic about its prospects.

As we plan to build a cross-platform/cross-chain platform, we believe there will be massive incorporations and integrations among HOOH and other dApps and services on NEAR, and even from other chain, which will also tremendously enrich NEAR ecosystem.

HOOH beta is now on.

You are more than welcome to click here to try it out, and tell us your ideas about HOOH in our Discord!

Follow us on Twitter and tons of interesting functions are unlocking on the way!