Announcing the YouMinter NFT Sale and Upcoming Mainnet Launch

Announcing the YouMinter NFT Sale and Upcoming Mainnet Launch

Mainstream adoption of Web3 could conceivably be possible with the convergence of NFTs and blockchain. YouMinter is a Web3 social app that empowers the next generation of social media users to truly own and monetize their content. With intuitive interaction features, users on YouMinter can build Web3 micro-communities and share their NFT creations with a vibrant global audience.

In the race to onboard the next millions of users into Web3, YouMinter is launching its blockchain-based social network on Mainnet on January 31st 2023.

YouMinter Mainnet Release: What It Means for the Community, and the Events Preceding It

“Mainnet release is a crucial kick-off for YouMinter. The journey hasn’t been easy, having spent some time on the testnet. We were also delayed by Apple’s ambiguous policies for deploying NFT-related applications on App Store. Still, now we are happy that it will finally be happening,” says YouMinter CEO, Karym.

YouMinter’s official release on Mainnet will be preceded by the Genesis NFT Sale on Paras, Mintbase and BocaChica that starts on 19th January 2023. Users will stand a chance to unlock the power of Genesis NFT and take their experience on YouMinter to the next level with NFT Cameras of different rarity level.

What is the Genesis Sale, NFT CameraBoxes, and How to Get One?

The upcoming Genesis Sale on Paras, Mintbase and BocaChica will enable users to unlock the full potential of the Web3 social app. During the Sale, we will be releasing a total of 500 Genesis CameraBoxes. Our Genesis CameraBox allows users to obtain a limited-edition NFT Camera that is usable in-app like all other Cameras. However, Genesis holders will have advantage of being the first who can create NFTs in YouMinter app and get more benefits in terms of all platform’s features.

The advantages of Genesis NFTs are hidden in them and lie in the limited supply of these NFT Cameras, the special marking, and the opportunity to purchase them only now at Genesis Sale.

The idea behind Genesis NFTs is to give YouMinter’s early adopters a unique tool inside the app that would help them to get more benefits while growing their community.

To get your Genesis NFT you should follow these simple steps:

  • Follow the Genesis Sale on 19th of January that will take place on Paras, Mintbase and BocaChica;
  • Login using your Near wallet;
  • Purchase as many YouMinter’s Genesis NFT as you wish;
  • Once the YouMinter app is live on Mainnet, create an account there using your Near wallet, where your Genesis NFTs are stored.

The price of Genesis NFTs will be revealed right before the sale, so stay tuned to YouMinter’s socials.

Why Youminter Builds on NEAR

YouMinter is built on the NEAR — blockchain solution tailored for Web3 masses. All platforms and decentralized applications (DApps) on the NEAR ecosystem take pride in communities and enable users to have control of their assets. DAO governance, autonomous democracy in its glory, is also a fundamental mission of the NEAR ecosystem. Moreover, thanks to NEAR’s greater security, scalability, and standards & tools to attract more developers, NEAR becomes a great technology that allows such projects as YouMinter to onboard a new generation of users to Web3.

Wrapping It Up

Web3 has a distinctive core feature — decentralization — with immense potential to inspire a paradigm shift for digital applications and interactions. YouMinter Web3 Social app is among the promising players who will usher in millions of people into Web3 via NFTs. Follow YouMinter’s Twitter to stay updated, and download YouMinter app on Google Play or App Store to begin your NFT journey.

About YouMinter

YouMinter is a Web3 social network in an easy-to-use iOS and Android app with an NFT feed, followers, and likes that opens up the world of NFT to everyone and is owned by its users. By taking advantage of YouMinter, users can build their communities, follow bloggers and artists, and communicate with all of them in one single place and with the power of NFTs. Moreover, the more your community grows, the more project’s share you get. We call it Ownership Economy.

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Announcing the YouMinter NFT Sale and Upcoming Mainnet Launch was originally published in NEAR Protocol on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.